Friday, Dec. 13th


Students will identify and examine the the people, events and ideas of ancient Mesoamerica and how their geography affected their culture, by examining primary and secondary sources.

Students will identify adaptations that helped the Maya civilization flourish in the rain forest.

Students will understand how cultures develop because of the adaptations made depending on how they lived.

Students will be able to identify the universals of cultures in specific civilizations in the Western Hemisphere

Classroom Activity

*No spirals needed!

DOG:  Week of 12/9

When you are done, work on part C, which is due today! Then, work on your universals of culture slideshow, adding Maya in GC

*Hypothesizing reasons for the Collapse of the great Mayan cities


Latin American and Canada Ch. 9 Mayan

Mayan achievement Discovery Education video

Slideshow example-Universals of culture


Physio-graph maps due (LATE)

Mayan Review Response Questions Part B due (LATE)

Part C Mayan Questions due today